So if you’re planning on building up your own small army of miscellaneous henchmen guards to protect your fortress that houses your secret headquarters, you’ll need to give them pants. Wimpy jeans or khakis just aren’t going to do the trick. These henchmen may be called into a fierce battle at any moment. Maybe your…
Insurance Checks at Grocery Stores
This Friday, I received a check in the mail from my insurance company that I had been expecting. This weekend, that money would have been particularly useful. But you see, I get my mail after 5pm nearly every day. All the banks around here either close at 4:30pm, 5:00pm, or 5:30pm, so I had no…
The British Invasion, Redux
Let’s face it. The British are pretty cool. They gave us great television like Dr. Who, Rome, and actors like Hugh Laurie. They gave us cool music like the Beatles. They gave us cool clothing, movies, cars, spy movie characters like James Bond, and so much more. They even take the razzing we give them…
I Miss the Beach
I love living in the mountains. It’s nice, peaceful, people are nicer. It’s rural without being completely in the middle of farmland. We’re not far away from a larger city, so I still have access to bigger stores and name brand shops if I absolutely need to visit them. However, I really miss the beach.…
TGIF: It’s a Crazy Friday
I’m here at work and it’s a craaazy day. Normally, my day consists of answering phone calls and e-mail and entering support tickets and updating documentation and things of that nature, until my lunch break, and then I come right back and go back to doing the same thing. Today, however, I started off the…
Tired, Sleepy, LOLCat-y.
I’m not sure why I’m so tired, but I do know that I went through half the night in a very light state of sleep. I woke up around 3am and the TV and light were still on. I went and shut those off and I slept slightly better for the next 4 hours before…
D & D Tip: Take a Photo of Your Party & Clean Up
I am not currently involved in a Dungeons & Dragons (D & D) game, as we have only been able to meet about 4 times this year, and the game I was Dungeon Master (DM) for was put on hiatus so that I could focus on other things, and maybe get more regular attendees. However,…
Free Nine Inch Nails MP3 Download “Discipline”
So, maybe not all of you are Nine Inch Nails fans – but maybe you have an eclectic musical taste like me. If so, take a minute and visit the Nine Inch Nails download site to get your free mp3 of their new single “Discipline” – just put in your name and e-mail address and…
Because It’s My Blog and I Can
If you’re overly sensitive to couply-romanticy-stuff then you know, you should ignore this post and move along, nothing to see here. I’m “going on dates” with this lovely woman. She’s my “girlfriend-equivalent.” One of the reasons why we use the phrases in quotation marks is that she’s going away in the fall, and we don’t…
Coming Out of My Shell
In the spirit of “Coming Out of My Shell,” I’m posting this rare video of me, telling you about an embarassing moment. And when is this embarassing moment, you might ask? It’s from JUNIOR HIGH. You know you all just shuddered a little. Junior high: one of the most awkward times of anyone’s life. Watch…