On May 15th, 2008, bloggers from across the world will be participating in one of the largest collaborations of online publication for human rights violations. If you decide to join me, you can help by being a voice for those who don’t have a voice. There are several main topics to choose from, primarily to…
Download High-Quality YouTube Videos
Did you know that most YouTube videos can be downloaded now as high-quality mp4 (MPEG-4) files? There have been browser and URL hacks to download files previously, and several sites and Firefox extensions would allow you to plug-in an URL to a YouTube video and it would snag the file or give you an URL…
Hack the Planet: Mac OS X Leopard on Non-Apple Hardware
Two years ago, before the official release of Mac OS X (the operating system most Mac computers run these days) that would work on Intel hardware and PowerPC hardware, there were people out there who dared to install developer releases on completely non-Apple hardware by using a software patch on the install disc. This method…