In an effort to squash competition from Kindle 2: Amazon’s New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation), Google and Sony have struck up a deal to put over 500,000 eBooks on Sony Connect eBook store for FREE. Granted, all of these books are public domain, but they’ve been specially formatted for Sony Reader. Ars Technica weighs…
How many remotes do you have?
I’m a BzzAgent, and as part of the BzzAgent program, I take part in word-of-mouth campaigns about products they send me to try and give my honest opinion on. The most recent one that I’ve enjoyed a lot is the Logitech Harmony One universal remote control. I have 3 remotes in the living room, not…
New Venture: ‘Tech Jaws’ Technology News Site
As I’ve been hinting at the last few days, and those of you following me on Twitter already know, I’m working with Frank J on a new tech news web site, Tech Jaws. It’s got an aggressive tone with a focus on the bleeding-edge of technology reviews, news, and tips. This morning I posted an…
Coming Soon: Logitech Harmony One Full Review
Hey everyone. Just a heads up – I received my Logitech Harmony One universal remote control – and it is completely awesome. The long and short of it is I like it a lot – it found devices no other universal remote has ever found for me before, and it even has provisional support for…
Prepare for Disaster Recovery: Rebit Data Back-Up
If you think you’re exempt from the cataclysmic eventuality of computer hard drive failure, think again. Hard drives are only meant to last for a few years, tops! Maybe you’re one of those people that feels the best back-up solution is to burn everything to a CD, or e-mail your important files to yourself. The…
What Tech Are You Packing?
Every tried-and-true geek has their own particular “rig” or powerhouse machine of which they’re proud. While I recently sold my Mac Mini for some spare cash and am currently “rigless,” I’ve had some pretty sweet setups in the past. Since I don’t have my own, I’ll go ahead and give the low-down on the specs…
Keep It Green: Light Your Yard with Solar Power
Yes, I am aware that during the daylight hours, everyone’s yard is lit by solar power. Unless you live in one of those parts of the planet where it’s night for months at a time. But what I’m talking about is enviro-friendly landscape lighting for your yard or property at night. I’ve written previously of…
Tune Up Your HDTV
While not all of us are fortunate enough to own a big screen High Definition Television, or HDTV, we did just have a holiday season and many families purchased new HDTV sets for their homes. Also, many businesses are purchasing plasma and LCD screens for lobby displays or statistics monitoring, such as stock tickers or…
As the Meat Turns
Yesterday, my friend made the comment that the Food Network in HD (high definition) is like pornography for fat guys. While that’s a pretty graphic comparison, it’s actually pretty accurate. The Food Network is one of the reasons I got into cooking things from scratch (when I have time, and clean dishes). Ever since we…
Get a Grip on Your Website Statistics
Not every one of us are fortunate enough or have the technological aptitude to be able to run a sophisticated web statistics powerhouse to generate prolific reports on the usage of our web site by our site visitors. If you aren’t into Feedburner or Google Analytics, or maybe your site doesn’t allow you to modify…