Google Page Rank has been king of the web for far too long. They use a “mysterious” and “magical” formula whose inner workings is only barely understood by the public. GPR also has a certain amount of manual human adjustment to weed out those that “cheat the system.” How biased or unbiased this system is…
Encouraging My Co-Workers
Recent changes made to a server on campus has played havoc on our Mac users because [another department] saw the projected impact as “minimal” and “there aren’t that many Mac users on campus.” The sixty-plus support tickets related to this issue say otherwise. So, today I found a picture I liked and sent it to…
Quite Possibly a Vampire
The last couple days I’ve had several severe migraines, like back when I was getting my wisdom teeth. It seems directly proportional to the amount of sunlight to which I’ve been exposed. I’ve mostly gotten over my temporary lactose intolerance, but I still seem to have bad acid-reflux from other food items. Last night Kylara…
Protected Posts
My Mom A reader commented on another post of mine saying, “how am i supposed to read when it is now password protected and there is no directions on how to get a password?” So I thought I’d shed some light on the feature of my blogging site that I haven’t really used before –…
Sparring for Fun and Stress Relief
When you’re frustrated, as I imagine many people are at the end of a long work week – you’re probably looking for some way to work out some stress and then unwind so you can enjoy your weekend. While some people like to do this by hitting the night life, getting drunk, or doing recreational…
Being a Man: Ride to Destruction
Before you get up in my face with the name-calling and chauvinist comments, I’m in no way saying that women don’t enjoy danger and nearly killing themselves doing stupidly awesome things. I do know that there is some primal part of me that gets excited thinking about jumping off of stuff and blowing things up.…
T..G..I..Your Mom!
I know. Real mature, right? Well, bite me. I’m not in a mature mood this morning. I got to sleep some last night, which was nice. It’s hard to choose between sleep and hanging out and having fun, sometimes. But eventually, your body will take over and demand that you sleep. So, thank goodness for…
On Giants and Gentlemen
Last Sunday, I had very low expectations out of the Super Bowl. I don’t really like the Patriots, nor do I hold any special place in my heart for the Giants. In fact, football really doesn’t hold a special place in my heart at all. I’m lucky I at least understand the rules enough to…
Oops – We Let It Slip
Some of you may have noticed that over the weekend the site went down, possibly being replaced with another page or search engine. That’s because silly me registered the domain name with GoDaddy and never updated my contact information, so GoDaddy had sent my domain expiration notices to an e-mail I don’t check any more.…
The Apocalypse is Nigh: Navy Tests Futuristic Rail-Gun
According to an article posted to Digg, Fox news reports the US Navy is testing a high-powered futuristic rail-gun weapon that can fire a projectile at speeds up to Mach 5! Of course, the language chosen, “railgun,” seems to be carefully chosen to accurately describe the weapon, but also incites some sci-fi and video game…