One Rank to Rule Them All

Previously mentioned Izea Ranks, is set to trump all other ranking systems. Alexa, Google Page Rank, Technorati, Blogjuice, and the other myriad of ranking systems are starting to get nervous, maybe even a little sweaty, over newcomer Izea Ranks. These other ranking systems all have their prolific search engine-based ranking algorithms and fancy mathematical formulas…

Entrepreneurs: Custom Plastic Shopping Bags

Is your new business some sort of retail store? Do you interact with customers directly and in person? Or maybe you do online or mail-order sales and you need plastic bags for wrapping up goods to mail to customers? Any dime-store marketing, small business, or entrepreneurship book will tell you that brand awareness is the…

Get a Grip on Your Website Statistics

Not every one of us are fortunate enough or have the technological aptitude to be able to run a sophisticated web statistics powerhouse to generate prolific reports on the usage of our web site by our site visitors. If you aren’t into Feedburner or Google Analytics, or maybe your site doesn’t allow you to modify…