My roommate loves the food, pepperjam. His mom makes it, and it’s very peppery. I’m not a huge fan of peppers outside of their natural form for cooking. I usually use them when I’m making something and I’ll chop them up for extra flavor. However, this Affiliate Marketing program, Pepperjam, spices up your income! Most…
Red Box DVD Rentals
This week I discovered our local Ingle’s grocery store has a new vending machine – Red Box. This may be one of the coolest ideas ever. Completely unattended, there’s no annoying teenager who either knows too much or too little about movies. I don’t have a lot of older selection, but Red Box lets me…
MacWorld 2008: Updates, Movies, and Macbook Air
Steve Jobs came onto the stage to the cheers and clapping of all the major tech blogs and magazines and attendees at MacWorld today. Among the excitement of the keynote address were four major announcements. I’ll give Steve credit, he’s succinct in his keynotes. The four major announcements are: 1) iPhone Apps on the iPod…
MacWorld 2008 Keynote Address Today at Noon
Hello there, sports fans! If your head hasn’t been under a rock or you own a TV, you’ve either been converted to the cult of Apple, or been watching the company with enthralled anticipation. Since the age of iPod came upon us, Apple has been blowing up the scene with newer, hotter desktops and portables…
Bachelor Chow: El Tacos Del Pollo Del Dishwashero
A second installment of Bachelor Chow in one day? What could I be thinking? Could I have gone crazy? Darn right I’ve gone crazy! When you just don’t have the time or energy to be grilling chicken, you can try other, less delicious ways to cook your chicken. In this particularly special video episode of…
Web Comics: Real Life Comics by Greg Dean
Comic author and artist Greg Dean’s web comic strip “Real Life Comics” is just that – a comical look at both real and some fictional aspects of his actual life. The characters are named after real people for the most part, and tell amusing anecdotes from Greg’s life. He is married to a woman named…
Disney DVD: Better Upconversion than Most?
A few months back, I ditched my old Magnavox Divx-playing DVD player for a Phillips one that has HDMI output and also plays DivX movies. It was about $60 at Wal-mart and does 1080i up conversion on non-HD DVDs. It also doesn’t play HD movies, but it does make my current DVD collection look awesome…
Rock Band: Impressive & Innovative
Just a note, this is in no way a sponsored review. I was over at my friend Marq’s house on Friday night with a few other friends, and I finally got my hands on that Playstation 3 of his. We started out playing a game called “PAIN” that involves sling-shotting people through a city and…
Post-Holiday Fat: Lose that Santa Belly
Weight Loss HQ has an article on how to lose belly fat that got me thinking: I have a belly that’s not small. I’m not morbid, but I am not exactly anorexic. So how do you get rid of the damage your body took from all those pies, cookies, cakes, and truffles you had over…
Format Wars: Choose Your Side of the Force
With staggering holiday sales numbers, Blu-Ray is really leaving HD-DVD in the dust. It also helps that Sony’s Playstation 3 has the capability to play Blu-Ray discs out of the box, while Microsoft’s own HD-DVD attachment for the X-Box 360 comes separately. While the price difference with the add-on makes it as expensive as the…