Sci-fi website has a great article on why those cute and funny LOLCats images (pictures of kittens, cats, or other animals with funny, grammatically incorrect, and anthropomorphizing captions written on them) are so darn distracting from your real day job. If you are new to LOLCats, I would of course recommend one of the…
Free Productivity Apps at Lifehacker
Productivity and time-saving site Lifehacker has posted a comprehensive list of all the free software applications written by Lifehacker staff and released under the GPL for free download. There are apps there for Windows, Mac, and even Linux! I personally have been using several of Lifehacker’s Firefox extensions and Greasemonkey scripts to enhance my browsing…
Geek to Live, Instead of Living to Geek
How often have you thought, I just need to save up this much more money, or work this much overtime, so I can afford that new gadget or video game or computer when it comes out? Or how often do you spend hours on end in front of a computer screen? As I get older…
Free Rental Promo Codes for Red Box Movies
A couple days ago, I wrote about getting a free rental from a Red Box movie rental machine using a promo code I got when I signed up and gave them my e-mail. Those codes can be used once per credit card, so if you had a credit card and say, a check card with…
MobileTalk Packet8 International VOIP on Your Cell Phone
MobileTalk is a new technology from VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and internet telephony company Packet8 that allows you to make VOIP calls internationally from anywhere in the United States at severely reduced rates. I have entered the MobileTalk Packet8 video contest, and created a brief video (yes, it’s on YouTube) to submit to the…
Recover Lost Office Passwords
Personally, I don’t password-protect any of my office files. But it’s come to my attention that some of you do. And as with any password-protected file, there will always be some instance where you’ll forget what that password is, and will need to retrieve it. I know, I know, you’re thinking Dave, if the password…
Download This!: Shop BOB for eBooks
If you’ve purchased one of Amazon’s new Kindle e-Book readers, you’re probably looking in places other than just Amazon for e-Books for your new device. Or maybe you’ve got a nifty new PDA or smart phone for Christmas this year, and you’ll need some place to stock up on reading material. You could go scour…
Download This!: Roll Your Own VPN
There are lots of commercial solutions out there for setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN), but they’re all on the expensive side for the casual user. Why on earth would someone want to setup a VPN at home, when you have your own real network to play with? Simple. There’s a big old world…
Apple iPhone Early Release?
Apple hardly ever beats their own predicted launch date, but rumors suggest we may see it as early as April! From Mac-Appétit: “I’m personally pretty torn; it’s difficult for me to deliberate on the cool factor versus the hefty $499 price tag. Especially since I dropped $299 on my 30 gigabyte iPod Video, I’m not…