Do you rock daily with Aerosmith, Guns ‘n Roses, Ozzy, Coheed and Cambria? When someone asks if you play the six-string, do you say, “No, I play the five buttons.” Do you relentlessly air guitar to EVERY song you hear EVER, including hymns at church? Do you try to imagine what color the notes will…
Spring Broke for Easter Break
I am so poor. Buying a Playstation 3 with your tax refund will do that to you, though. You better believe I’m bringing that bad boy to Mom’s house for Easter though. Yes sir, I will be sitting on the couch racking up some mad points on PAIN and relaxing to Everyday Shooter or working…
The Point Blank Critic
My friend just recently decided to start his own review blog called The Point Blank Critic. He’s really into trying new kinds of beer, Apple (Mac) computers and products, music, movies, video games, and technology in general. He also happens to be a pretty good cook, and one of my best friends. These last two…
Back to the Grind
There’s something about Monday mornings that makes me want to rock out. By the time I get in to the office, my head is aching for caffeine and my eyes are droopy. I have declared in my brain an all-out war on productivity. I really need two good hours on a Monday morning to swing…
I Should Never Blog Before Coffee
I miss my boss. She always made the coffee in the morning, and was here early enough that it was ready by the time I got to work. She’s left for a Christmas vacation, and now the coffee goes unmade. I’ve been drinking sodas the last few mornings, but that doesn’t quite do the trick…
I Should Be Sleeping
But instead I’m up late watching Friends, blogging, and surfing the internet. I was chatting online, but since I closed my g-mail window it’s no longer open and I’m only signed in on my recently upgraded Mac. Why do we digress and do other things instead of going to bed and going to sleep, which…