Ok, ladies and gentlemen, here it is! The contest was over at midnight last night – we still had a few entries after midnight so I decided to count them anyway, because what the heck, right? Well, it was an interesting morning today to say the least. I’ve been trying to contact winners for the…
Hack the Planet, Ethically, and Get Paid
It used to be an internet dream job that was somewhat mythical in nature. Black- or gray-hat hackers would tool around on computer systems finding their inner workings and exploiting them, until one day they either got caught, or got bored trying to break in for fun or profit. Either way, these talented hackers somehow…
Online Music Stores Amazon & Wal-Mart follow Suit After Apple in Pricing Schemes
According to PC Magazine, corporate giants Amazon and Wal-mart have likewise changed up their pricing schemes to include tiered pricing, much like Apple’s new pricing scheme for DRM-free music. This is a loss for the consumer, because Amazon at least already offered DRM-free tracks usually between 79 and 99 cents and often offered deep discounts…
OS Wars V: Microsoft Strikes Back
Apparently sick and tired of Apple’s pretentious “I’m a Mac. And I’m a PC,” ads, Microsoft has recently struck back with a series of “Joe the Plumber”-esque ads where different everyday people proclaim what they use their computers for and say proudly “I’m a PC.” The most recent ad has taken a new stab at…
Show Me Your Shamrocks #IZEAGreen
This morning I was leaving for work when I found a nifty green box with “IZEA” on one side and a shamrock on the other. Awesome! I didn’t have time to open it right that second, but it felt like a little mini-Christmas. I love getting packages by surprise! I had seen this same box…
Apple to Release Snow Leopard in the Wild June 8th?
There’s a snarky rumor going around that Apple may be dropping the newest release of Mac OS X operating system, codenamed “Snow Leopard” OS X 10.6 – on June 8th. This is all according to leaked release notes at World of Apple. The new version will likely include a new Finder app, Safari 4 Beta,…
SocialSpark Stimulates Economy
As many of you know, I sometimes write and do advertising on my blog for a company called IZEA. Those of you not familiar, IZEA is a social marketing solutions company. In hard times, businesses are failing, advertising budgets are shrinking, and as a result, less people hear about your business. It’s not that people…
Embarassing Myself for Money
@tedmurphy is giving away $20 PayPal to whoever sends him the funniest picture of themselves by 3pm EST today, with proof in the photo that it was taken today. Here’s my shot at the big money: EDIT: I just thought I’d mention, this is kind of a geeky joke. Packet Shaping explained by WikiPedia.
Same Browser Wars, Different Day
In the European Union, Opera is in the process of bringing a suit against Microsoft for bundling Internet Explorer with its operating system. Microsoft is slated to include Internet Explorer 8 in its latest operating system, Windows 7. Recently, Mozilla foundation threw its hat in the ring with Opera to go up against Microsoft, and…
Entrecard Market Reopens!
The folks over at Entrecard have been working hard! Lots of new features and policies have been rolled out lately, it would seem. One of the newest features is the Entrecard Market! If you’ve been an Entrecard member for some time now, you’ll remember there used to be a store where you could buy products…