With the announcement I made earlier about having ditched Entrecard (incidentally, since clearing my Ad queue, I suddenly have over 30+ ad requests per day. Entrecard users, give up. I’m not putting my badge back up, and you should actually look at a site before you advertise with them.), it occurs to me I’d still…
New Venture: ‘Tech Jaws’ Technology News Site
As I’ve been hinting at the last few days, and those of you following me on Twitter already know, I’m working with Frank J on a new tech news web site, Tech Jaws. It’s got an aggressive tone with a focus on the bleeding-edge of technology reviews, news, and tips. This morning I posted an…
Coming Soon: Logitech Harmony One Full Review
Hey everyone. Just a heads up – I received my Logitech Harmony One universal remote control – and it is completely awesome. The long and short of it is I like it a lot – it found devices no other universal remote has ever found for me before, and it even has provisional support for…
Bloggers Unite For Human Rights on May 15th
On May 15th, 2008, bloggers from across the world will be participating in one of the largest collaborations of online publication for human rights violations. If you decide to join me, you can help by being a voice for those who don’t have a voice. There are several main topics to choose from, primarily to…
Put Your Ugly Mug on Anything
That’s right. You can put your ugly mug on anything, even an ugly mug! Or a t-shirt, or a mouse pad [Note: despite popular opinion, mouse pads are not feminine protection for mice], or a calendar, or just about anything else that can be printed on. What’s even better is you don’t have to sacrifice…
Show Some Love: Advertise on Raging Tech
Hey everybody, I just wanted to take a moment to point out a new page on the site, a link to the right detailing some information about advertising on my blog or sponsoring a post. The Raging Tech currently has several sponsors for posts, but is now offering banner ad space on the right. Right…
One Rank to Rule Them All
Previously mentioned Izea Ranks, is set to trump all other ranking systems. Alexa, Google Page Rank, Technorati, Blogjuice, and the other myriad of ranking systems are starting to get nervous, maybe even a little sweaty, over newcomer Izea Ranks. These other ranking systems all have their prolific search engine-based ranking algorithms and fancy mathematical formulas…
SocialSpark: How I Survived Google Spanking Me
As you’ve probably noticed by now, I often write content that is sponsored, and I am pretty open about disclosing such things. At the bottom of most sponsored content, you’ll notice a small blue bubble that will say “Sponsored by” and then the advertiser name. However, some folks didn’t take kindly to any of my…
Make Your Site “Sticky” with Zookoda
Zookoda is a site that lets bloggers and other content providers create fully-customizable, managable, and effective e-mail newsletters. Bloggers can use Zookoda to send out periodic digests of recent posts, entice readers back to their site, or host an insider’s newsletter. Content providers can use newsletters to keep customers and website visitors informed of what’s…
Get Proper Rankings for Your Blog
Google Page Rank has been king of the web for far too long. They use a “mysterious” and “magical” formula whose inner workings is only barely understood by the public. GPR also has a certain amount of manual human adjustment to weed out those that “cheat the system.” How biased or unbiased this system is…