Sci-Fi Channel to Become SyFy Channel

Apparently, Sci-Fi has decided to change their name and adopt the new moniker “SyFy” – stating that they’d like to get away from the “geeky nerd in the basement of his parent’s house eating Cheetos and drinking Mountain Dew while updating their apt repositories and setting up mirrors of their favorite Buffy web site and…

Protect Your E-mail Privacy for Free

There are a lot of e-mail options out there to choose from! Whew! If you don’t believe me, just go to Google and type in “Free E-mail Service” and you’ll get more results than you’ll know what to do with. The big names will come up first, G-Mail, Hotmail / Windows Live Mail, Yahoo!, AOL,…

Show Me Your Shamrocks #IZEAGreen

This morning I was leaving for work when I found a nifty green box with “IZEA” on one side and a shamrock on the other. Awesome! I didn’t have time to open it right that second, but it felt like a little mini-Christmas. I love getting packages by surprise! I had seen this same box…

Ow. It Hurts to be Awake Right Now.

I think maybe I should have gotten more sleep last night. Today was kind of rough. I got up early to take my roommate to the mechanic for his car troubles. Then we went to the bank and then I got into work. I don’t think there is enough caffiene. Got to work, settled in,…