SAP to Pay Oracle in Largest US Copyright Infringement Case

SAP is being ordered to pay Oracle, Inc. $1.3 billion dollars in damages after infringing on Oracle’s copyrights to software and stealing customer support contracts. According to the suit, SAP acquired and resold illegally Oracle’s popular database software products and then contacting their customers to undercut support contracts – which are more valuable to Oracle…

Getting Started Getting Geeky

If you’re here, it’s possible that lately you’ve been feeling a little funny. Maybe a little angry. Perhaps you’re just flat out tired of letting technology and other geekery get the best of you. The Geek Herd at your local electronics big-box shop makes you want to scream, both at their techno-babble and their high prices for service. You’re ready to roll-up your sleeves and get a little nerdy.

Grandma in the Hospital Again

I had text messaged my mom to let her know I’d be coming home this weekend, much to her delight. She text messaged me this morning to let me know that Grandma is back in the hospital with another seizure. Mom is hoping that instead of going back to the nursing home Grandma was in…

A Quick Update

I know I’ll never reach my goal of being a full-time professional blogger if I don’t update, and I apologize to all of my readers for having not shared for a while. Here’s some of the reasons why I’ve been away, both on my blog and on Twitter: Work: I’m shaking up the dust a…

Star Trek Comes Out Tomorrow

Hey guys. Just a heads up, the new Star Trek Movie Launch with the guy who plays Sylar on Heroes is coming out tomorrow, Friday May 8th, 2009, in case you weren’t aware. If you’re lucky enough, maybe you’ll be able to catch a midnight showing tonight! I would, but I have plans and still…

Friday! Winners Announced Later

Hey guys, just a quick update. First off, it’s Friday! Woo hoo! Just wanted to say I’ve got a meeting this morning, and then I’ll announce the contest winners a little later this afternoon (at least after 12:30pm EST). The mystery prize is AWESOME if I do say so myself. I’ll attempt to DM the…