I’ve written previously about my experiences with credit cards and the like, but one facet of personal finance I have yet to experience is getting a mortgage loan. One thing that bothers me about mortgage loans is that the entire loan is centered around the house you’re buying. Basically you either pay them back, or…
On Giants and Gentlemen
Last Sunday, I had very low expectations out of the Super Bowl. I don’t really like the Patriots, nor do I hold any special place in my heart for the Giants. In fact, football really doesn’t hold a special place in my heart at all. I’m lucky I at least understand the rules enough to…
My Weekend Update
So this past weekend went pretty well. Friday, I went to see Asheville band Dawn of the Dude, and it was a pretty entertaining show! It’s always awesome to see a good band that also has good showmanship. It’s one thing to be a good musician and a good artist, but it’s another talent altogether…
Oops – We Let It Slip
Some of you may have noticed that over the weekend the site went down, possibly being replaced with another page or search engine. That’s because silly me registered the domain name with GoDaddy and never updated my contact information, so GoDaddy had sent my domain expiration notices to an e-mail I don’t check any more.…
Marketing on MySpace
Lots of people have their own opinion on using social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook for marketing their own business or online affiliate marketing, but I’m not here to tell you what I think about it. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already made up your mind to use it or not. What I…
Hack the Planet: Mac OS X Leopard on Non-Apple Hardware
Two years ago, before the official release of Mac OS X (the operating system most Mac computers run these days) that would work on Intel hardware and PowerPC hardware, there were people out there who dared to install developer releases on completely non-Apple hardware by using a software patch on the install disc. This method…
Rest for the Weary in California
Many people have been affected in the recent times by the increasing warm, dry weather we have during the summer months. It takes just a few hours for an entire house to burn to the ground, but months and months to build a new one. With the outbreak of wild fires in the San Diego…
The Apocalypse is Nigh: Navy Tests Futuristic Rail-Gun
According to an article posted to Digg, Fox news reports the US Navy is testing a high-powered futuristic rail-gun weapon that can fire a projectile at speeds up to Mach 5! Of course, the language chosen, “railgun,” seems to be carefully chosen to accurately describe the weapon, but also incites some sci-fi and video game…
Get a Grip on Your Website Statistics
Not every one of us are fortunate enough or have the technological aptitude to be able to run a sophisticated web statistics powerhouse to generate prolific reports on the usage of our web site by our site visitors. If you aren’t into Feedburner or Google Analytics, or maybe your site doesn’t allow you to modify…
The Road to Not-Sickville
I’ve been sick with a head cold since the night before my birthday last week, but I think it’s subsiding. I feel less and less like death every day. But apparently my cold hopped hosts and has taken out half my team at work. Even with major system malfunctions, smart planning and some intervention by…