Tech Jaws, the technology news site that I co-operate with a fellow blogger, Frank J, is having Shark Week. What does that mean to you, readers and bloggers? It’s your chance to be featured on a high-profile, high-traffic technology news site for free! The requirements are pretty simple, just go check out Tech Jaws’ Shark…
It’s Dark, and We’re Wearing Sunglasses. Hit It.
My wildest vacation was not wild as you suppose. I didn’t get drunk or go party in the city night life. I did, however, see a whole lot of culture on my stay in the Windy City – Chicago, Illinois. Chicago is, as many of you know, the site of most scenes from the Blues…
One Week Left
It’s one week left until my girlfriend-equivalent returns from out of town. I’m supposed to meet her back in my hometown where she’s visiting a friend, and I’ll be picking her up and bringing her back here. I’ve missed her a lot, and most of you probably don’t care – but I haven’t really been…
You Can Sell Almost Anything on eBay
Did someone you know recently die? Funerals are expensive, and so are coffins. But in today’s buy-everything-on-the-internet tradition, you can absolutely find it on eBay. I first got this idea when my uncle died a few years ago. I was trying to bring some levity to give people a chance to laugh. We all missed…
The Unit: One Awesome Show
A year or so ago, I had borrowed “The Unit” Season 1 from my friend Nathan, and I really enjoyed the show. I never got past Season 1, because at the time that’s all there was out on DVD. Enter: Netflix. I’ve added all three seasons to my queue so far, but I think the…
What if your car kept doing this?
Wouldn’t it be awful if your car kept doing this? I know it’d be pretty cool the first couple of times, but after that, it’d probably just be plain annoying. I like how this resembles the internet video from a while back where the cars would transform, but it was an intended function of the…
Human Rights Violations in China
Hi. Did you know that me, being able to sit here and write whatever I want, and you, being able to sit there and read it, is a freedom? I’m sure most of you know that already, because you’ve sat through History class and you know about our various freedoms from the Bill of Rights.…
Caffeinated ENGOBI Guitar Hero Battle Contest
Do you rock daily with Aerosmith, Guns ‘n Roses, Ozzy, Coheed and Cambria? When someone asks if you play the six-string, do you say, “No, I play the five buttons.” Do you relentlessly air guitar to EVERY song you hear EVER, including hymns at church? Do you try to imagine what color the notes will…
Top 10 Signs You’re a Douchebag
Do you ever just wake up and go, “I’m not sure if I’m a douchebag… if only some amateur blogger would come up with a list of top 10 signs, so that I could self-diagnose my condition, and then go see a medical professional who would prescribe me some anti-douchebagulent pills. If only…” and then…
New Help at Work
Those of you who have read previously about my trepidation at work over our short-handedness, can now rest at ease much as I have. We hired on three hourly employees to fill the gap, at least for the summer, while we fill positions. My friend who was already on hourly, is about to step into…