So, Monday began the time of year where we work 12 days straight, right on through the weekend, because first student workers come back and we train them, and then the regular students move back to campus for Fall semester. The good thing is, we also earn a lot of comp time. Working 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on a weekend (which usually ends up being ’till 7:30pm) at time and a half is a lot of extra hours, about 30 to be exact. With 30 extra hours, you can totally go on vacation – and that’s exactly what I plan to do as soon as I can.

Kylara leaves in 5 or 6 days. I’m certainly not happy about it. We’ve been trying to make the most out of what time we have left before she moves away. I know she’ll do well at whatever she does – I just wish it could have been with me.

And after that, I think I and everyone else need a LOLCat to brighten up the day:

more cat pictures