Working with people always has its advantages and its disadvantages, much as you’d expect. I fancy myself a misanthrope. It’s hard to run a business if you can’t deal with people. Right now, I’ve got a computer in my possession that’s past its expiration date by a long shot. I absolutely hate to admit defeat on any playing field – but sometimes a computer is just on its last legs. Sure, you can replace all the parts until you essentially have a brand new computer – possibly even in the same case.
We call this situation a “non-economical repair.” Basically the cost to repair the computer equates to or exceeds the value of a new computer. Even worse, this is a computer for a business that can’t get a new computer in quickly. I saved their data, but the computer is a wash – a fault in the cpu or motherboard somewhere.
I’ve been doing this a long time – since middle school actually. I have an Apple and a Microsoft certification under my belt. I’ve done time in hardware repair for a university and a 4-year tour on the front lines of the help desk. Honestly, I just don’t derive any pleasure out of solving the mysteries anymore. I’m waiting on the business to return my call so I can deliver the bad news. I may try them again and see what they want to do. Wish me luck.