I’m officially leaving Entrecard, the little badge that was on the right sidebar of my page before that would display various ads for people’s blogs. Why? Because the script’s and site’s slowdown was killing my page’s load time. It didn’t matter so much before, but for some reason on this theme it just wasn’t working.

Twitter is also on notice from me: their site is nice and the service is awesome, but the script’s load time to display on my blog was getting ridiculous.

I won’t blame the slow down solely on these two items, but they were what got hung up loading on my blog. I had both on my blog before with no problem. I think what might have been the major problem was the tabbed section on the upper right (where the RT logo is now). I’m going to replace those with ad space people can purchase. I’ve re-created the archives page with a plug-in and it’s now up at the upper-right corner, if you missed it.

I might try and put the Twitter code back, but Entrecard is gone for good. It’s been good for traffic when I first started, but then people stopped dropping but kept advertising with me. I apologize to those of you who faithfully dropped every day, and to the advertisers who I had to cancel your ads. You guys are awesome and part of what made Entrecard great.