Of all the people… I just… brain… shutting down. Why on EARTH would Oprah’s puppet Dr. Phil McGraw visit mentally and musically ill Britney Spears after her traumatic breakdown the other day? Apparently the good doctor dropped in as she had already been discharged after a clean toxicology screen and was packing to go home. He expressed that he was “very concerned for her” and she’ll probably be on his show soon.

In my head, I can see him breaking her down pretty easily into tears on the show, and then her expressing some completely made-up yet honest sounding excuse for her Michael Jackson-esque behavior of late. It’s a good thing her manager books her hotel rooms without balconies or has the doors to the balcony bolted shut before they arrive. “Hey y’all, look at my baby! It’s the cirrrrrrrrrrrrrcclllllleeeeee of liiiiiiiiiiiifffeee… oops!” and that would be the end of it.