I am a man and a budding blog author. I am not new to writing, but I am trying everyday to expand my perceptions and take on other view points and perspectives on life. A couple women I know are pregnant or have recently had a baby. I could be wrong, but I’m sure that self-image is an issue that effects not just women, but especially pregnant women or nursing mothers. There’s no need for you to not feel beautiful – in fact, I’ve heard many new fathers say their wives were never more beautiful to them than when they were having their child. But if you’d like to try some outfits made special for nursing and pregnant women, check out NursingPJs.com.
Their website claims to have the best nursing fashions available. Their Maternity Pajamas are described as hip, stylish, and most importantly, comfortable. And while they sell maternity attire, their goal is to help nursing mothers feel young and attractive and look great. They also have free shipping for the holidays, though I’m not sure how long that will last.