HD trains

Gizmodo has a couple of stories in the last 24 hours from CES 2008 (Consumer Electronics Show) concerning the future of HD-DVD. Samsung HD gurus say that with the recent announcement that Warner studios has joined the Blu-Ray bandwagon and will no longer be releasing movies in HD-DVD format, HD-DVD is officially dead for Hollywood. This was also followed up by the news that Paramount has followed suit and will go exclusively Blu-Ray.

What does all this mean for the consumer? I think it means if you were teetering on the line between purchasing an X-Box 360 or a Playstation 3, this should pretty much seal the deal for you. Although if history has taught us anything, the prices for Blu-Ray players should drop exponentially over the next couple of years. But for now, the PS3 may be the most full-featured Blu-Ray player for the price point.