It seems I haven’t updated for a bit here, and I apologize. Just wanted to remind everyone that my contest ends here at Midnight on Thursday, April 30th, and I’ll be choosing a winner on Friday morning. One lucky winner is going to be getting $20 USD PayPal, while another gets a mystery prize!

There’s been lots of entries so far, I’m really excited about all the coverage this contest has gotten from all of your blogs and tweets. Be sure to keep tweeting right up until the very last minute. Who knows, your crazy creative tweet may be the one that ends up winning a mystery prize! It’s going to be a pretty sweet mystery prize! It’s so great I’m probably going to order an extra one for myself. Check it out if you still haven’t entered the contest yet.

I’ve been sick all day yesterday and still feel a little queezy today. I’m pretty sure I got food poisoning from a restaurant I ate at on Sunday. Whatever it was, it pretty much ruined me. I’ve pretty much had toast, half a peanut butter sandwich, a pop-tart, and half a package of crackers. I don’t think I have much of a stomach for eating right now, but I’ve been bit-by-bit keeping stuff down. I no longer feel as much like dying. Woo!

School is over for the semester. I emailed in my final exam Sunday night and now I’m done for a few weeks while I wait on the summer semester to begin. It’ll be good to have a break, but it’ll be sad to see my student friends leave who won’t be staying over the summer. Oh well, three months later and we’ll have them back again. Last summer flew by, and I’m sure this one will too. It’s a weird sort of opposite thing, to be excited for summer to be over and for the school year to come around again.