If you’ve ever been on MySpace or Facebook or any number of other popular web sites with a demographic consisting of young, lonely, or otherwise non-family oriented people, you’ve probably run across True.com ads featuring some crazy attractive woman trying to talk to you in a chat window in front of her web cam, or some average but cute girl smiling and laughing.
This is all to get you to visit their web site and actually meet real people. Like most online matchmaking sites, sign-up just to create a profile and let others find you is free. The way these sites make money is by getting you in and showing you people are interested in you, and then letting you talk to them once you sign-up for a paid subscription. But I reiterate, sign-up is absolutely FREE. You do not have to give them credit card information to create a profile. You also get to search for free.
So, if you’re single and having a hard time finding people in your area, and you don’t want to go out to a bar dressed like a person of questionable moral integrity, online matchmaking might just be the thing for you. I actually discovered an old friend from one of these services and we were able to get together and hang out for an evening a couple of weeks ago. It was fun, and we might do it again sometime.