Are you a YouTube star? Do you sing incredibly well? Are you a graphic design or print artist? Do you roll with the thespian crowd?

If you live in New York City and have been trying to “make the big time” in the arts and entertainment industry, you need someone to help you find the right gigs!

NYCastings is a free and highly recommended service for both big-name talent searchers and the actual talent to find each other for voice-over, live projects, film, on-camera, and print work without hours and hours of possibly fruitless research.

New York Castings helps cast talent for over 4500 different projects every single year! You can make it big by signing up at so that producers and talent recruiters can find YOU. And while you search, remember no gig is too small – you never know when you’ll be in the right place at the right time, which seems to be how most of Hollywood found their start.