This Week’s Moment of Soul-Stealing

I don’t know if this will be a regular feature on The Raging Tech, but sometimes when work drains your soul, you just need to redirect the soul stealing so that at least someone cute and furry can have it. Without further wordiness from me, here’s a LOLCat to steal your soul, and drain many…

Entrepreneurs: Custom Plastic Shopping Bags

Is your new business some sort of retail store? Do you interact with customers directly and in person? Or maybe you do online or mail-order sales and you need plastic bags for wrapping up goods to mail to customers? Any dime-store marketing, small business, or entrepreneurship book will tell you that brand awareness is the…

As the Meat Turns

Yesterday, my friend made the comment that the Food Network in HD (high definition) is like pornography for fat guys. While that’s a pretty graphic comparison, it’s actually pretty accurate. The Food Network is one of the reasons I got into cooking things from scratch (when I have time, and clean dishes). Ever since we…