And here are the results:
Do Not Go Gently
WARNING: The following blog post is long, of a personal nature, contains lots of figurative language, and was probably not that well thought out. This is for my catharsis. If that’s not your cup of tea, skip along now, there’s nothing to see here. The other day I heard someone saying “Do not go gently…
The Raging Tech on Vantage Point
Last night some friends and I took opportunity to go to the local theatre and see the film Vantage Point, a film told in five perspectives about the supposed attempted assassination of the President of the United States of America while at a summit in Spain. The film stars Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, Matthew Fox,…
Combo Update
Since it’s been a while since I’ve written about why my life is so crazy lately, I thought I’d give a quick combo update on the last week or so of my life: I had a job interview. I thought it went okay. Others thought differently. To sum it up, I’m positive I didn’t get…
With a Rebel Yell: More, More, More
Guys, I gotta tell ya, it’s been a crazy life recently. For those of you recently subscribed to my RSS feeds or who have only recently started following my writing, I’d like to apologize for the sporadic nature of my posting. I promise you, a month ago I was writing six posts a day like…
Weekend Update
Last night was a little crazy. I got off work around five o’clock and headed home. After a quick errand, my roommate and I picked up more of our friends and we drove to a nearby town for some good old Huddle House food. I wolfed down my food anxiously, and then paid my bill…
Sparring for Fun and Stress Relief
When you’re frustrated, as I imagine many people are at the end of a long work week – you’re probably looking for some way to work out some stress and then unwind so you can enjoy your weekend. While some people like to do this by hitting the night life, getting drunk, or doing recreational…
Freaking Friday, Finally
My nearly complete lack of sleep has caused me to alliterate in my post title. Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, as though you could ignore it. Mine went pretty alright, except for spending most of it at work. I spent my lunch hour with my valentine, which made the day a little less hard at work.…
Rumors: Posh Spice May Have Had Liposuction
I was reading on the internet today about how Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has appeared in several photos recently that have ignited rumors that she may have undergone the plastic surgery treatment known as liposuction. I know, a celebrity having liposuction – big surprise there. But I’ll tell you what does surprise me. Posh Spice…
Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 3 Released
The Mozilla Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation, has released Beta 3 of the much-anticipated 3rd edition of the Firefox browser. It is currently available for download here, but be aware it’s only a beta, it may break your computer entirely, and none of your current extensions (add-ons) will work out of the…