How often have you thought, I just need to save up this much more money, or work this much overtime, so I can afford that new gadget or video game or computer when it comes out? Or how often do you spend hours on end in front of a computer screen?

As I get older (yes, I know I’m still pretty young) – I start realizing I don’t want to be old and thinking I wish I hadn’t squandered so much of my time. I don’t want to live with regrets.

I’m not having an epiphony or anything. I just want to use my geek powers to make my life easier so I can spend more time living it than just trying to make it through.

That being said, one of my favorite websites that I read every single day and has a permanent home in my Firefox Live Bookmarks is Lifehacker. It’s a blog about better living through geeky tips and tricks. Time-savers, money-savers, awesome software reviews, and tech tips and tricks for the masses.

It’s both technical and not technically overwhelming at the same time – so anyone can read it and glean usefulness from it. Check it out, it’ll become part of your daily reading.