Whether you’re an HR director or a small business owner, you will always need to consider safety in the work place. Many businesses have an employee who, as part of their duties, is the company safety officer. This person will usually go around to make sure everything is OSHA or some other safety standard compliant.

Usually, a company will have a boring set of non-interactive safety training lectures or conferences that are mandatory attendance, and usually is only there to keep the company from being sued or reliable. But I’m not talking about dollars and cents here; I’m talking about real people with real lives and real families who could be devastated by a job-related accident. Being liable should be the second thing the company should consider, not the first.

An informed employee is a safe employee, and training provided by a company like PureSafety is interactive and informative so the information isn’t just immediately forgotten. For example, if you’re a construction worker, they have a construction safety course that is both interactive and engaging and could change safety behaviors on a construction site for the better. Since the training is online, the employees can access it from anywhere they have internet access. Also, managers can track their own safety programs just as easily from anywhere.