I miss my boss. She always made the coffee in the morning, and was here early enough that it was ready by the time I got to work. She’s left for a Christmas vacation, and now the coffee goes unmade. I’ve been drinking sodas the last few mornings, but that doesn’t quite do the trick the same way as coffee.
Maybe part of my problem is I haven’t been sleeping well. I’m not sure if I’ve been overdoing the caffeine during the day, or if stress is keeping me from sleeping deeply. It was nice that I came into work and was able to find a parking space and got into the office on time. Exam week has been crazy – apparently students lose all sense of morality and unselfishness and general common sense right after “Reading Day.”
We had a rousing time last night hanging out (my friends and I) playing a neat dice game I enjoy, but there were a lot of times where it just went kind of slow. A lot of my friends are pretty competitive and / or ADD, so there were some mood-killers present and it kind of brought the whole thing down. Maybe things will be better today. I sure hope so.