So it’s been a while. A month actually. Did you miss me? (Yes, I know you do, Mom).
In the month you, the reader, have missed me (and you know you have) I have moved back to North Carolina, gotten a job at the college I graduated from, lived on a couch for three weeks, and now have a place in a house with two other guys in a cool rock band that practices once a week in said house.
Good enough update? I thought so.
My car died yesterday. Again. You don’t know what the “again” is for, because you didn’t know, until now, that my car’s died like 8 times in the last three-four weeks. This time I couldn’t get it running again. I took today off work to get it towed to a mechanic, and God has provided both a reputable mechanic and a way to pay for it. So praise God, hopefully this will get it fixed for a good, long time.
One of my co-workers just got another job in the area next door to ours, so I’m going to be doing a “work against,” where I get paid his salary to do his job while they find someone (hopefully me) to apply and interview and get hired to replace him.
So there you have it. Oh, and darn near every computer I own died. But I’ll probably have one of these soon anyway. I’ve gone Mac crazy, I tell ya!
PS – What’s this about a podcast? Coming soon!