Disney Radio Stars Concerts in Jersey

My girl has had me watching the ABC Family Channel, and since Disney owns them, you see cross-promotion for shows on the Disney channel, and occasionally I’ve been known to watch some Disney. I’m vaguely familiar with your Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana and your Raven Symone, but by no means am I able to…

One Week Left

It’s one week left until my girlfriend-equivalent returns from out of town. I’m supposed to meet her back in my hometown where she’s visiting a friend, and I’ll be picking her up and bringing her back here. I’ve missed her a lot, and most of you probably don’t care – but I haven’t really been…

I Miss the Beach

I love living in the mountains. It’s nice, peaceful, people are nicer. It’s rural without being completely in the middle of farmland. We’re not far away from a larger city, so I still have access to bigger stores and name brand shops if I absolutely need to visit them. However, I really miss the beach.…

Lethargy and Cabin Fever

The weekend is always a crazy time for me. I’m incredibly exhausted, mentally, from my work week, and I usually have some chore or other I need to accomplish. Friday nights are usually spent at Game Night, a weekly gathering of friends to play video or board games and hang out and have fun. It’s…