I’ve been back at blogging for a few weeks now (at the time of this writing) and already I’ve received an offer from a company to do a giveaway contest. I don’t know if my SEO (search engine optimization) voodoo is just that good, or if it’s from my tie-in with Google Adsense, but it’s…
Non-economical Repair
Working with people always has its advantages and its disadvantages, much as you’d expect. I fancy myself a misanthrope. It’s hard to run a business if you can’t deal with people. Right now, I’ve got a computer in my possession that’s past its expiration date by a long shot. I absolutely hate to admit defeat…
Put the Gloves Back On
Holy crap. I haven’t blogged here in forever. Or much of anywhere else either, really. There’s a reason for that – but I’ll get back to it later. If you ever used to read Raging Tech, you’ll know my site was full of sponsored reviews and contests and tech stuff. Then it just became a…
The Revolution Has Already Begun
In 2003, during the Superbowl, I saw this ad from IBM for their newly available publicly consumable computers with Linux pre-loaded. Even today, this commercial gives me hopeful chills. It’s a new age, and Linux isn’t just for techy geeks anymore:
New Venture: ‘Tech Jaws’ Technology News Site
As I’ve been hinting at the last few days, and those of you following me on Twitter already know, I’m working with Frank J on a new tech news web site, Tech Jaws. It’s got an aggressive tone with a focus on the bleeding-edge of technology reviews, news, and tips. This morning I posted an…
Make Headers Stay Across Pages on Tables in Word
A quick Microsoft Word tip: if you’re working with a table you’ve created in Word, and your table spans multiple pages, it can be annoying to flip back and forth to remember what each column represents. Ideally, you’d like to be able to keep the column headers on the table in Word across each page,…
What Tech Are You Packing?
Every tried-and-true geek has their own particular “rig” or powerhouse machine of which they’re proud. While I recently sold my Mac Mini for some spare cash and am currently “rigless,” I’ve had some pretty sweet setups in the past. Since I don’t have my own, I’ll go ahead and give the low-down on the specs…