Haha. Maybe. At 6:31 (P.M., EST) and 30 seconds tomorrow Friday, UNIX time will read 1234567890 and the apocalypse may very well be upon us. Actually, probably not. We won’t even really have any cool computer glitches to speak of, since Linux has been using 64-bit time for quite some time now, which means the…
Holiday Toast: Wine.com Coupon
Well, it’s the holidays, and it’s less than a week till Christmas, and about a week and a half until New Year’s Eve. If you haven’t already stocked up, wine and champagne are both fun party accessories and great gifts. Plus, lots of folks like to have champagne to toast at midnight on New Year’s…
Lazy Days at the Villa and Dell Support
It’s Thursday, already? That just seems crazy. This vacation is flying by pretty quickly, and before you know it, I’ll have to get off my butt and go Christmas shopping. Yes, I know I’m crazy shopping at the last minute. It means I have to pay the “last minute” tax, since most places it’s already…