Just a note, this is in no way a sponsored review. I was over at my friend Marq’s house on Friday night with a few other friends, and I finally got my hands on that Playstation 3 of his. We started out playing a game called “PAIN” that involves sling-shotting people through a city and…
It Could Kill Your Baby
I know you probably think I’m about to say something to follow that up to be clever and hilarious like I usually am, but today I read about this disease that kills babies, and it’s pretty scary. It’s called Kernicterus, and it’s basically brain damage caused by untreated jaundice in newborns. Normally, this isn’t a…
Classes Resume Next Week!
At the particular university I work at in the UNC school system, classes resume on Monday. We’re going to have our hands full with new arrivals and returning students who have, over the course of a month, forgotten every password and login they know. Of course that means they’ll be calling us or visiting our…
ID Card Printers For Your Business
Whether you’re a large or small business, you may have a practical use for ID cards. Whether it’s sole purpose is for identification or you have bar codes or magnetic strips for security or account access, ID cards play a part in many businesses. Many companies use these cards to keep up with employee cafeteria…
What Will Your Next Vehicle Be?
My friend from church Mike asked me if I was ready for a new car yet today in an e-mail. I knew he was joking. He was the one who hooked me up just last November with my current car, a used 2000 Acura TL 3.2. That car is pure awesome. I really don’t want…
Keep It Green: Higher MPGs Without Voiding Your Warranty
These days, the fuel prices just keep rising. I find myself constantly checking the gas price comparison web sites to figure out which station to go to next. I’m no mechanic, but I understand basic concepts like fuel octane numbers and Miles Per Gallon (MPG). My car is technically supposed to take premium gas only,…
This Made Me Chuckle, And TV’s Back, Sort Of
This morning I came in to the office, and after checking work e-mail I pulled up my personal G-mail account and this is what I saw: So, yeah – that made me laugh. I’ve just recently started using Netflix – I’m a little concerned they only said they received one movie back, but hopefully later…
Post-Holiday Fat: Lose that Santa Belly
Weight Loss HQ has an article on how to lose belly fat that got me thinking: I have a belly that’s not small. I’m not morbid, but I am not exactly anorexic. So how do you get rid of the damage your body took from all those pies, cookies, cakes, and truffles you had over…
Format Wars: Choose Your Side of the Force
With staggering holiday sales numbers, Blu-Ray is really leaving HD-DVD in the dust. It also helps that Sony’s Playstation 3 has the capability to play Blu-Ray discs out of the box, while Microsoft’s own HD-DVD attachment for the X-Box 360 comes separately. While the price difference with the add-on makes it as expensive as the…
For Business Success: Learn the Language, Lose the Accent
How many times have you called certain unnamed technical support or customer service numbers only to find they’ve outsourced their call centers to another certain unnamed middle eastern country? Too many times, my friend. Too many times. If you’re from certain unnamed foreign countries where your accent is thick or you find that native people…