So, the move went pretty well. I had help from lots of people: my roommate, his brother James, his girlfriend Kendall, Kylara, Aron (who is recently married and was just back from his honeymoon in Italy!) and neatly enough my old friend Becca from back home came up for the weekend to help me move.…
Crack Up with’s Craptions
I know you’re going to curse me even more for this, but if you think LOLCats from are hilarious, you should check out’s “Craptions,” a user-powered humorous captioning site. Every day,’s team of mentally-screwed up monkeys posts a new odd picture, and the community submits and votes on the most hilarious caption.…
Dad’s Memorial Service
Thanks to the power of teh internets and modern technologies, I was able to put the video recording of my dad’s memorial service online. Mainly I did this for the relatives and friends who couldn’t make it for one reason or another. This video is 47 minutes long, so don’t jump into it thinking it’s…
A Crazy Moving Weekend Ahead
Yes, I know tomorrow is the Fourth of July, Independence Day here in the United States. And yes, I know it’s probably foolish to move the day afterwards. But gosh darn it, I’m excited about being in my new house. Verizon sent me the wrong modem. They were supposed to send me a wireless router…
Bye Bye, DRM – Hello Manageable Music!
Since the legitimate sales of digital music downloads began, record labels and recording artists have been looking for ways to protect their intellectual (ha, if you can call it that) property. Copyright law alone was not enough to enforce rights protection, so before many would let their music be sold online, they required a system…
Network Solutions offers PerformanceClicks
If you’re easily confused by terms like CPM, PPC, keyword purchasing, SEO, and the like, you’re probably not quite ready to manage your own internet marketing campaign. If you’re a small business or website operator, or even a large corporation, you’ll want someone helping you put your business out there for people to find, both…
The Tech Wishes He Had a Place to Rage
I’m not really angry about anything. My brain just hurts. Today is one of those days where I just didn’t get started out on the right foot, and every step after that seems slightly off. This morning I woke up at 7:18 to get ready for work at 8am like I always do on Monday…
Just Blogging… Couldn’t Come Up With A Title
I’m excited to move to a new place, not so excited about what all is involved with moving. I have to work during the day, and come home and pack and clean at night. It shouldn’t be too hard. I’ve got a U-Haul reservation for the day we’re moving, and we’re either getting a 14′…
Protected: I Might Be Okay… Maybe
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The Raging Tech on “Nom”
For those of you not familiar with the term “Nom” – it basically is an onomatopoeia (a word that represents a sound) to describe the noise one might make when scarfing down a delicious treat. For example: “Hey Jimmy, this cupcake is delicious… NOM NOM NOM NOM.” The “Nom” also carries with it a connotation…