It used to be only electronics boutiques and super stores had online presences; most businesses didn’t want anything to do with “that confounded internet!” In-store sales were more than sufficient. For some businesses, the online business model just didn’t translate well for their particular business. Others have found a way to make it fit. It’s…
Truth in Advertising: Signs Placed at Gas Stations by Artists
I found this video on Digg today, about artists as part of a project posted signs up at gas stations that appear to be from the corporation that owns each chain. I thought it was hilarious and inciteful. But it’s another reason we don’t need the next president giving tax cuts to big business, even…
New Fast & Furious Comes Out Summer 2009
When The Fast and the Furious came out several years ago, I thought how hilariously silly it all was, even if the action was terribly enjoyable. Face it, people love fast cars, big explosions, gun fights, and this series has all of that. Minus good acting. But hey, you don’t really go see movies like…
We Get Political, Because It’s Important
Just a reminder, the 2008 United States Presidential Election is Tuesday, November 4th, 2008. Make sure you are registered to vote 30 days before the election, or your vote doesn’t count. Also, be sure to request your absentee ballots if you’re away from home for now. Not sure who to vote for? Don’t take mine…
Set Your DVRs, History Hacker to Premiere Tonight
The History Channel continues to amaze me. What used to be a boring documentary channel is now appealing to younger and less history-obsessed audiences, making topics fun and interesting. In what should prove to be an exciting Mythbusters meets Historical Documentary series, History Hacker involves Bre Pettis of MAKE fame hacking together inventions out of…
Geeks Need Exercise, Too
In the technology sector where I work, it’s pretty common for people to forget to exercise. You live and breath computers and are stuck in front of a desk all day, and then go home at night and cook dinner, manage home things like cleaning or chores, and then all you want to do is…
Google Reverse Engineered Vista Code to Write Chrome
It’s no big surprise that Google makes a superior web product for a lot of our day-to-day needs. Recently, Google announced their new web browser called Google Chrome. It’s code is based on Mozilla Firefox and Apple’s Web Kit used in Safari (on Mac, PC, and iPhone). There are several suspicious lines in the code,… Offers Free Debt Consolidation Information
Today’s economy, at least here in the United State, is an unstable one. The trouble on Wall Street, the fuel shortages and price hikes, everything is directly affecting the prices we pay at checkout for the things that we buy. For those of you with debt, this is making a time of economic hardship even…
My First Haircut Since February
My hair was starting to get long and shaggy, it’s not accurately represented by the left photo, that was just the best one I could find. I decided finally last night that it was about time to have it cut again. It’s amazing how refreshing it is to have your hair so short after letting…
Everybody Do the Stamp (Self-Inking Stamps!)
Lots of people have collections for hobbies. Some people collect postage, some collect Troll Dolls, Beanie Babies, Pokemon (Because let’s face it, you really DO have to catch them all), Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff, human remains, you know, the usual. A neat hobbie I’ve seen people do is collecting rubber stamps. You remember these as a kid,…