Whether you’re a large or small business, you may have a practical use for ID cards. Whether it’s sole purpose is for identification or you have bar codes or magnetic strips for security or account access, ID cards play a part in many businesses. Many companies use these cards to keep up with employee cafeteria…
Keep It Green: Higher MPGs Without Voiding Your Warranty
These days, the fuel prices just keep rising. I find myself constantly checking the gas price comparison web sites to figure out which station to go to next. I’m no mechanic, but I understand basic concepts like fuel octane numbers and Miles Per Gallon (MPG). My car is technically supposed to take premium gas only,…
Format Wars: Choose Your Side of the Force
With staggering holiday sales numbers, Blu-Ray is really leaving HD-DVD in the dust. It also helps that Sony’s Playstation 3 has the capability to play Blu-Ray discs out of the box, while Microsoft’s own HD-DVD attachment for the X-Box 360 comes separately. While the price difference with the add-on makes it as expensive as the…
MobileTalk Packet8 International VOIP on Your Cell Phone
MobileTalk is a new technology from VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and internet telephony company Packet8 that allows you to make VOIP calls internationally from anywhere in the United States at severely reduced rates. I have entered the MobileTalk Packet8 video contest, and created a brief video (yes, it’s on YouTube) to submit to the…
Use Leopard’s Time Machine Over the Network
Via Lifehacker: Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard came with a new, easy-to-use back-up program called Time Machine. For people with an extra external hard drive, this was a godsend. If you also happened to have an AFP share over the network, you could backup to one of those as well. But if you’re like many…
Recover Lost Office Passwords
Personally, I don’t password-protect any of my office files. But it’s come to my attention that some of you do. And as with any password-protected file, there will always be some instance where you’ll forget what that password is, and will need to retrieve it. I know, I know, you’re thinking Dave, if the password…
A Non-Google Phone Service
I last wrote about Grand Central from Google, but it’s more or less in Beta and you have to have an invite in order to get in. Also, you may not like Google and may have an inclination to boycott all things Google, just on principle. Either way, you should check out Ifbyphone.com – this…
Google Grand Central
I’ve been using Google’s Grand Central service while it’s still in beta to get a second phone number to use with my business. I didn’t want a land line phone in my house, nor did I want a second cell phone. I also didn’t want to necessarily give out my cell phone number to everyone…
Trade Your Used Video Games Without the Gamestop Tax
The video game industry has some of the smallest profit margins on earth. Unless you’re a game store retailer who also deals in trading in used games. If you’ve ever been to a Gamestop or an EB Games and tried to trade in your old games, they’ll buy them from you for $3 – $5…
Protect and Organize Your Inventory
So along your entrepreneurial path, you’ve decided to go into retail, which means you’ll be bearing the burden of inventory. Most people think of the risk involved in holding inventory is based on whether or not the item sells. Too often, security ends up being more of an afterthought. When you start losing inventory to…