Problem: I needed to install Skype on a Linux Live USB distro with persistence (so it remembers the settings & saves files) so I could video chat with my fiancée while on a business trip. On a 64-bit machine with Ubuntu 13.04, Skype is nowhere to be found in the Ubuntu Software Center. If you…
Linux for n00bs: Prepare Your Hard Drive
For the next part of our “Linux for n00bs” series, you’re going to be preparing your hard drive to install Linux. I may be taking a big leap here, but if you’ve been successful so far with burning the Ubuntu Install CD, you’re probably also familiar with the term “hard drive.” Usually, on any given…
Linux for n00bs Prerequisites
I’m going to be doing a series of posts here over the next um… however long it takes, to introduce interested n00bs (newbies, neophytes) to the world of Linux. If you don’t know what Linux is, head on over to our good friend Wikipedia and have a quick read. That’ll save some time. For these…
The Revolution Has Already Begun
In 2003, during the Superbowl, I saw this ad from IBM for their newly available publicly consumable computers with Linux pre-loaded. Even today, this commercial gives me hopeful chills. It’s a new age, and Linux isn’t just for techy geeks anymore:
Ubuntu Linux “Hardy Heron” Released Today
Some of you may read that headline and say “Well whoop-de-crap.” For those of you who have either never tried linux because you were afraid it was too difficult, or for those of you who had hang-ups from a previous attempt to run linux, Ubuntu is the distribution that just might one day make a…