Bread Pudding with Cherries

Last Sunday I made some amazing french toast at home, and I’d never made french toast before on my own. I made the standard egg custard mixture and got one of those whole round loafs of King’s Hawaiian Sweet Bread and cut it in half. I then took one half and sliced it into about…

Sunday, Yummy Sunday

I’ve been pretty busy here at home in the kitchen over the weekend. Friday I fell asleep (more or less passed out) on Marq and Melissa’s couch down the road, and woke up Saturday morning and came home. I realized I needed to take advantage of the weekend to get some pre-cooking done. Now that…

Store Food Longer, Safer

Bachelors – those of us who cook often keep a good bit of leftovers in the fridge, which can be a horribly gross clean-up later when it comes time to glean expired food from the fridge to throw away. Food, especially produce, releases ethylene gas as it loses freshness after harvesting or picking. This gas…