Lots of people have collections for hobbies. Some people collect postage, some collect Troll Dolls, Beanie Babies, Pokemon (Because let’s face it, you really DO have to catch them all), Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff, human remains, you know, the usual. A neat hobbie I’ve seen people do is collecting rubber stamps. You remember these as a kid,…
Choose Your Own Adventure
You are walking down a dark cooridor, and you notice there are several doors. You walk forward towards the end of the hall, but you fall through a trap door. Landing with a thud on a hardwood floor below, you look up to notice an old hag before you. She identifies herself as a witch,…
Put Up Your Website as Little as $4 a Month
If you’re at all serious about running your own business, either as primary income or as a side consultant for the off-hours from work, you’re going to want to have some sort of a web presence. Or maybe you’re an artist. Or maybe you’re a technology worker who just needs a place to rant and…
Adobe CS4 Released
Adobe has released the newest version of their highly successful Creative Suite of products, including familiars like Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and newcomers formerly from Macromedia are back with a revamp. Apparently in Creative Suite 4, Adobe has tried hard to really unify the interfaces amongst all the programs. This may upset both die-hard Adobe fans…
Letters from Manuel
This morning I received an e-mail that said the following: Manuel quiere que seas su amigo(a) en hi5. He creado un perfil de hi5 y quisiera añadirte como un amigo, para que podamos compartir fotos y empezar a construir nuestra red. ¡Pero primero es necesario que te unas a hi5! Una vez que participes en…
Talk Like a Pirate Day
In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day (YARGH!) Ye should be honoured to bear witness to the shanty whose lyrics I’m about to display before yer eyes. It’s a good ol’ favorite, “Hoist the Colours” (by Hans Zimmer) from the theatrical adventure Pirates O’ The Carribean 3: At World’s End. The king and…
News and Updates
It’s been a rough couple of days. I’ve been sick, like – feel like I got hit by a truck sick. It knocked me out pretty hard yesterday, and I’m back at work today even though I probably shouldn’t be. In tech news, Google released their new web browser (in beta, of course) called Google…
My First LOLCat Attempt
So, this may not even be funny to people not from my area, but I definitely see these ads on TV for J.G. Wentworth that really annoy me. So, this is my homage to those commercials. Monday’s almost over at work for me, folks, and it feels like centuries till the next weekend comes. There’s…
Great American Seafood Cook-Off 2008
I maybe a tech guy, but the summertime always re-awakens my inner chef. This summer, I’ve been especially lazy in the cooking department because of my busy life and limited budget. (Buying a house ain’t cheap!) But I’m still a Food & Wine magazine subscriber, and I still like reading good recipes on the internet.…
Re-Entry is Rough: Rob & Big With the Assist
Due to some technical difficulties, Game Night ended up being movie night, at my place. Melissa got into my liquor cabinet and started mixing it up for my guests. It’s nice to have a bartender friend. When I get paid again, I’m going to get a shaker, jigger, and muddler so I have some more…