Why on earth did God decide to put two starkly contrasting things together like cheerleaders and the cheers that they cheer? Cheerleaders are usually pretty hot, and the cheers they do are usually pretty annoying. It’s one of the stranger pardoxes in the universe.
Company 81, a clothing company, has given access to their clothing store online and through the 7th Chamber marketing company produced a website where you can watch a video where cheerleaders mercilessly maul innocent bystanders with rediculous cheers. I couldn’t help but laugh when a pretty-looking woman walked by the group of cheerleaders and they turned their signs around and it spelled “FAKE.”
I’m pretty sure all of the things that happen in the video are staged – it just seems to be missing a sense of genuine spontaneity. I seriously doubt they actually chased a guy around without getting arrested or sued. Or maybe they did, who knows? Trust me, You’ll know when you’ve been hit by this hot cheery bunch!
Enter Company 81’s contest for a chance to have the whole cheerleader squad come back to your room – with tons of clothes for your summer wardrobe from Company 81’s selections.