If you happen to live in a city larger than mine and are fortunate enough to have one of the big red stores we call Targét here in the South, you’ll be happy to find that there are plenty of money-saving tips for when you actually need to buy something.

The reason I emphasize that last bit is because there are people out there who are compulsive shoppers, and good-hearted as they may be, they will buy anything on sale because it’s on sale. And don’t fool yourself into thinking the stores don’t know that.

Thrifty-living blog Wise Bread has a neat article outlining some cool money-saving tips and tricks for shopping at Targét, including a secret schedule of when things go on sale (really more of just a guide to which days to buy on for the best price in each department). Check it out, and become a perimeter peruser in your own right.

Note: these tips are for brick-and-mortar shoppers, and may not necessarily apply to their online prices.