So this past weekend went pretty well. Friday, I went to see Asheville band Dawn of the Dude, and it was a pretty entertaining show! It’s always awesome to see a good band that also has good showmanship. It’s one thing to be a good musician and a good artist, but it’s another talent altogether to entertain an audience while putting on a performance of your music. To me it just creates a more personal feel.

After the concert, several of us came back to my house and we played a game called “A Thousand Blank White Cards,” and much hilarity ensued. That was followed up by our traditional late-night trip to Huddle House for breakfast. I got to bed around 6:30am Saturday morning.

I slept through most of Saturday, got up around 4pm and hung out around the house. My roommate and his girlfriend and I sat around watching some TV, and I drank a couple of my birthday presents and then went to bed. I did make it to church the next morning, and was glad to see some of my church friends I’ve missed for a couple weeks. I came home and relaxed around the house and then watched the Super Bowl with some friends (Go Giants!). Afterwards, we watched House, and then I fell asleep talking to the girl I have a second date with tonight. All-in-all, not a bad weekend at all.