Just about everywhere I’ve ever lived there are people who love to do the dumbest things whenever there are weather reports that call for snow or temperatures below 30 degrees F. This week, particularly tonight, the weather is calling for snow.
But here’s the thing – the National Weather Service says it’s only going to snow about an inch and it probably won’t stick.
So what do these dumb people do? They drive 10 miles under the speed limit and wear 10 layers of clothing before it actually gets cold enough to call for it.
And my least favorite thing these nuts do? They flock to the grocery store and “stock-up” like they’re going to be shanghaied at home for three weeks. Which means when I go to do my casual grocery shopping (maybe 6 items), I had to wait in line tonight for 30 minutes to get out of there!
Don’t be dumb people, and don’t horde or “stock-up” at the last minute.