I woke up this morning, took my meds and took a shower. I got ready for work, wasn’t rushed or hurried. Got to work, and students were lined up in their cars in the entranceway to the parking lot, waiting on a space to open up, none of them willing to budge. I begrudgingly went up to the upper level of the lot and went in that entrance and parked in the staff spots there, since I am a staff member and all.
Besides almost getting run over walking down the hill and crossing the road, it was a mostly uneventful start to the day. Then I actually got to work. My mom called and reminded me that today is the day she gets her gastric bypass surgery. I am a little nervous about it, but I know she’s in God’s hands and He’ll take care of her.
My first phone call of the day is from a grad student who is a distance learner (all online courses) and suddenly she was informed she needed to login to her university e-mail account (which of course, she’s never used before, and here it is exam week) and she thinks it’s completely ridiculous that she has to have this whole extra e-mail account to manage, and this whole thing is just silly, and… man, I wish I could stab people. Why can’t they legalize stabbing? It shouldn’t just be available to OJ. That seems un-American.
This same guy who called the Help Desk last week calls next, stating he’s having the same problem. I didn’t even try to troubleshoot his issue, I just put in a ticket for it and sent it on to the IT support for his particular college of the university.
On top of all of this, we forgot to coordinate our lunch schedules around Andy’s exam today, so everyone left and I was the only one on the phones until Brian showed back up. So I pretty much was the help desk for the last hour or two. Brian is back now. Maybe my tension will ease up.