sidebar_image_picture_40I’ve heard from several of my fellow bloggers that there’s been a recent PR update again, as they tend to do every few months or so. I know I had an application in to get my PR reinstated, or to at least have a fair shot at re-earning it. My blog is all no-follow, I have a plethora of backlinks, and a decent daily readership. My content is relevant, everything that is sponsored is clearly identified and disclosed, and I give my real, honest-to-goodness opinion on anything I review. Nothing here is blog spam. But still, no love from Google. RT continues to be a PR 0 blog ever since we got spanked down from PR 3 two years ago.

Man, thank goodness for SocialSpark, where I can still monetize my blog and post relevant content regardless of what the judgemental jerks at Google think. I tried, and it looks like it didn’t work, so you know what, Google? The AdSense / PR portions of your company can go jump off a cliff. You are becoming less and less relevant, and I hope Google eventually axes the entire PR system and comes up with something better based on actual performance and relevance. Fix your algorithm instead of punishing successful bloggers for making money.

I find the next post I’m about to write ironic. You’ll see why.