I have lived the dream since July 17th, 2011. For just a little over a year, I’ve been a project manager at a major insurance company that has, in the recent years, implemented a work-at-home program. Since I was hired, I have been work-at-home straight away. It’s brilliant for all the reasons you might think…
Why Don’t People Read Emails Thoroughly Before Replying?
I may have mentioned, I’m doing Sharepoint tech support at the place I work at currently as one of my projects assigned to me. This usually gets me involved in a smattering of e-mails weekly that I have to reply to politely and professionally and with a helpful, friendly attitude. Which is really, really hard…
New Kitty!
We got a new kitty last night – her name is Isabella and she’s adorable! Unfortunately, she’s got fleas so we have to keep her in isolation until we can get her to the vet this week.
People Still Blog, I Guess
Blogging is a tough habit for me to get into on the regular. I used to do it everyday of the work week, because my job was boring and I really needed the distraction (and the money…!). I would sometimes crank out 6 posts a day to meet requirements for the maximum 3 paid posts a…