Ok, ladies and gentlemen, here it is! The contest was over at midnight last night – we still had a few entries after midnight so I decided to count them anyway, because what the heck, right? Well, it was an interesting morning today to say the least. I’ve been trying to contact winners for the $20 USD PayPal all morning, but kept coming up with no replies after waiting a while for each one. I apologize to those of you who won but then didn’t get back to me in time. I realize there was no time limit set forth in the contest rules, but in order to get a post up today I needed a confirmed winner.
You can yada yada if you want to in the comments about how unfair that might have been, but I honestly won’t respond. It’s my blog contest and I’ll do as I please – it’s my money out of my pocket.
That being said, I want to thank all of you who posted, tweeted, and shared this contest with your friends and followers! You guys are awesome, the response to this contest has been pretty incredible. So great, in fact, it makes up for the crappy week I had a month ago when I started the contest. (It was also nice that the contest end coincided with Pay Day at work).
So, congratulations to @HeatherinBC for winning 2nd Prize for Most Creative Tweet – she’ll be getting sent the MYSTERY PRIZE: a custom-designed Raging Tech t-shirt from CustomInk.com courtesy of well, me. She Tweeted thusly and it tickled my fancy:
“@HeatherinBC: My Gerbil said I should enter 2 win $20 to buy sunflower seeds OM NOM NOM @ragingtech http://tinyurl.com/cjeg6b #ragingwin”
@retrogade – He’s already received his $20 USD PayPal – spend it wisely!
I’d encourage you to follow both of these Twitter users on Twitter and of course, continue following @ragingtech for more Tech News, funny musings, and random other things, as well as another contest to come in the near future!
If you’d like to sponsor a contest with me in the future, DM me on Twitter or e-mail me at rt@ragingtech.com and we could be giving away your awesome product next!