
So, this week has kind of sucked for me, and I wanted to do something cool both for my readers and my Twitter followers and friends. This has NO sponsor tie-in, the money and mystery prize is coming straight from my pocket. Here’s the contest details:

  • Contest ends at the end of the day on April 30th, 2009 at 11:59 pm. No late submissions will be accepted.
  • Contest 1st prize: $20 USD paid via PayPal, 2nd Prize: Mystery Prize!?!? for most creative Tweet.
  • No prize substitutions, this contest void where prohibited by applicable laws.
  • Winner will be chosen at random from entries. 2nd Prize winner will be chosen based on most creative Tweet.

Entering is easy, and like most blog contests, I’m offering three ways to enter:

1. Follow @ragingtech and Tweet about this contest on Twitter and link to this blog post directly. Here’s some example text if you need it:

“RT @ragingtech Enter to win $20 USD PayPal “Just for the heck of it” Contest, Retweet to win!  http://tinyurl.com/cjeg6b #ragingwin”

– but you probably will not have much of a chance for winning the 2nd Prize for most creative Tweet if you only copy my text. Be sure to include @ragingtech and the #ragingwin if you want your submission to count.

2. Comment on this post, and be sure to fill out the form with a link to your blog and a working e-mail address if you want me to be able to notify you when you win.

3. Blog about this contest – Post a 100 word or more blog post about this contest, and be sure your blog has trackback or pingback enabled, or leave a comment below with the direct URL to your post.

Of course, feel free to share with others this contest any way you wish, but only the three methods mentioned above will earn you one (1) entry per method. In the event that all the tweets about this contest are completely lame and uninteresting, I reserve the right to award the Mystery Prize 2nd prize to whoever tweets the most about this contest.

Good luck to everyone! (And no, I won’t disqualify @BenSpark or @JustJulie just because they win blog contests all the time 😛 )

We’re now an official part of Friendship Friday Contest Carnival over at Boating in Beautiful British Columbia.