As a lover of all things technology, I find the technological achievement of satellite television much more interesting than the delivery of audio / video / internet / phone signal over coaxial or fibre cables. Now don’t get me wrong, I was raised a “cable baby” for my entire childhood – my mother works for Time Warner Cable. I don’t think we ever really had too many problems with them, and I’m not going to bad-mouth their service. But up here in the mountains, we have a different provider, and it was soooo bad I had to switch to satellite, even despite my upbringing.

I reviewed the deals available, and ended up with Dish Network. What won me over? HD channels, an awesome amount of recording time on the HD DVR, and music channels. It used to be that if you had satellite really bad weather would totally lose your signal, but I haven’t had much problem with that so far, and I’ve had Dish Network for over a year. Other friends had problems with DirectTV and getting HD programming, plus I got a discount with Dish.

Satellite has lots of options for movies plus all the channels you’re used to from your existing cable service. Right now, there’s an awesome program going on for new subscribers where you can start getting your Dish Network service for $9.99 per month for the first six months. Think about how much money you could be spending on other things you need if you were paying a measly ten bucks for your television instead of whatever your cruddy cable provider is charging you this year. It’s only for six months, so it’s not the permanent price – but couldn’t half a year’s break from high prices for cable television help you a lot? Even with the promotional price I had now expired, between satellite and DSL I’m not paying nearly as much as I would to my old cable provider for the same type of services.

Dish helped me when I moved to my new house by not charging me for new equipment, and my install was free with their DishMover program. When my hard drive in my DVR died, they were going to replace it for free, but instead I paid a small fee and upgraded to a unit with a larger hard drive. In your area, you may not have a crappy cable provider, but I know I did, and Dish has been heaven by comparison. Check it out if you’re unhappy with your current cable television provider!
