There’s been a lot of rumor going around the internet lately that the iPhone may make an appearance on Big Red’s cell network. What started this rumor? A blog out there, much like this one, merely speculating it could be a possibility, put up a post about how Apple’s iPhone division has been posting jobs related to CDMA technology – the same technology Verizon Wireless uses for their cell phone network.
The big problem I see with all of this is that AT&T has an exclusivity agreement with Apple, and while some say that agreement is coming to it’s end, many others are contending that the contract was renewed recently. In either case, if Apple wanted to enter Verizon’s market, they’d have to develop a completely new version of the iPhone that does CDMA. This seems silly, because in just a short time all of the networks will probably have to standardize and jump on the newer, better network technologies.
Even if Verizon does manage to get it’s greedy red hands on the iPhone, will Apple be able to keep the App Store and capabilities of the iPhone as free as they have been? Or will Verizon sink in it’s dirty clutches and lock up the firmware and block out everything useful like they’ve done with almost every other cool phone that came to them?
If the iPhone comes to Verizon, would you buy one? Let me know in the comments.